Kabadi Kabadi

Kabaddi Kabaddi is a Nepali romantic comedy film directed by Ram Babu Gurung. It was released in November, 2015. This movie is sequel of the movie Kabaddi starting Dayahang Rai, Nischal Basnet and Rishma Gurung.

Kabaddi gave a story of unrequited love of Kaji Dayahang Rai for his soltini Maiya last year. As it was a good film with ample humour, the thoroughly entertaining film got all the love from the audience. One year has passed in Naurikot, Mustang and Kaji is back with Kabaddi Kabaddi. His love for Maiya has not changed, but Maiya is no different. She doesnt reciprocate his feeling. She has a new admirer, Kajis rival Bum Kaji. Both the Kajis compete with each other to win Maiya. The nearly twohourlong entertaining journey unveils the winner.Kabaddi Kabaddi is the continued story of Kabaddis Kaji and Maiya. Retelling the same unrequited love story and romance of the two could have been dull but Rambabu Gurung has written the story brilliantly and articulately, and with intrigue and has directed with the same passion. As such the story has evolved along with the characters. The screenplay by director Gurung and Upendra Subba is also noteworthy. ........

Source: Wikipedia